Archives at TILS

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Sat May 4 16:11:59 EDT 2002

We have now made the archives section at TILS-leps-talk available to the
public. One no longer needs to be a leps-talk member to view messages.
Membership is still required to post messages.  We are going to try this
and see how it goes.  There are currently 1247 archived messages.

To access, just go to our home page and click on messages (that
should work) on the left hand menu.  At the messages section you might want
to start with # 1032 and follow that thread.  Many other very interesting
threads # 686, # 591

I also want to remind all of the Moths only group, Moth-rah. There are
currently only 35 members - and they are pretty quiet.  But some very good
moth-ers there - a super site for beginners to get good info from some real
To subscribe just click and send
TILS-moth-rah-subscribe at
- no message necessary.

Ron Gatrelle
TILS president
Charleston, SC - USA


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