Late spring in the north

Stan Gorodenski stanlep at
Mon May 6 23:04:10 EDT 2002

p.s. Ken, you might plan ahead and start looking for other real estate,
like in Arizona, in case you have to quickly flee from the onset of the
new glacial age. I imagine it wouldnn't take very long for snow to build
to unlivably (is this a word?) high depths  (-:

Kenelm Philip wrote:
>         Yesterday (5 May) I saw the first Mourning Cloaks of the spring
> in Fairbanks. The temperature was around 50F. This is 10 days later than
> the normal range of 5-25 April for the first sightings here. April was
> one of the 5 coldest Aprils in recorded history here, and had the highest
> precipitation (over 15" of snow plus rain) ever recorded in April since
> record-keeping began in 1904. All this after a very warm and dry winter...
>         Today, by the way, it's snowing. A rather short spring?
>                                                         Ken Philip
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