Cool off guys - this might just be a Bigfoot.

Barb Beck barb at
Thu May 9 10:52:34 EDT 2002

Please Joseph if you have witnessed such a person at least let some people
the rest of us are familiar with know off line who can check things out what
you are talking about.

This does not sound like a responsible collector to me and I really wonder
how he managed to talk to such a group.

I have been on other lists where plants have come on with some of their
friends and built up a factious story to cast something in a bad light or
just to cause trouble in general.  I certainly hope this is not the case.

We had a group get on the birding lists and spread stories about how they
witnessed banding operations where all of the birds died.  No details, no
specifics about who was involved.  Other of their buddies started chiming up
with other stories.  Turned out it was all a plot to discredit the hard work
that people who band birds are doing.  I finally pointed out to the list
that these people were as responsible as the banders for the killing if it
had happened because they did not properly report it so that either the
operation could be shut down or somebody could give these people proper
training.  They were too shy to report things to the proper authorities and
yet did not hesitate to tell their story with no details to about 2000
people on a mailing list... give me a break.

You may be sincere in your post. If so please let us know the details or at
least somebody we know in the group like Alex so it can be checked out.  If
not I realize that you are playing the old Bigfoot game with a mailing
list - getting on just to stir things up needlessly with misinformation.

Barb Beck

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-leps-l at [mailto:owner-leps-l at]On
Behalf Of Bob Parcelles,Jr.
Sent: May 9, 2002 7:56 AM
To: LEPS-L at
Subject: Re: killing butterflies for fun???

WOW! HHHHHHHHHeeeeeeeeer we go again!

--- Joseph Sugar <josephsugar736 at> wrote:
> Hi butterfly lovers,
> I am new to this group and did a lot of searching to find you all.
> I
> recently attended an audubon meeting in my county and the speaker
> did his
> talk on butterflies.  I went expecting to see pictures of live
> butterflies
> and to learn more about them.
> Instead, this guy (I won't mention his name - I don't want to get a
> lynch
> mob goin ;)), brought in his collection of butterflies that he
> killed and
> mounted FOR FUN!
> Since this is a butterfly group, I know you will be disturbed to
> hear this,
> but I was wondering if there are any laws to protect them?  Can
> just anyone
> go out an kill butterflies just for the fun of it?  He also had a
> collection
> of moths that had pins through them.  This didn't really bother me
> as much
> since most of them are pests, but it would seem to me that we would
> have
> laws to protect some of our most beautiful creatures.  What this
> guy does,
> and others like him, is morally wrong and I intend to turn around
> this
> disturbing trend that murder is okay as long as the perpetrator is
> having
> fun.
> Just looking for direction on where to go, and sorry if the
> discussion of
> dead butterflies has ruined your breakfast.
> Joseph
> _______________________________________________
> Joseph S.
> New York, The US of A
> "A man who preserves a life, saves a life.
> A man who saves a life, gives life.
> A man who gives life, is a woman."
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Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates & Clean Millennium Movement (C2M)
rjparcelles at
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