Some Alaska leps

James Kruse fnjjk1 at
Wed May 15 15:34:07 EDT 2002


I took a short walk around a pond at 30 mile Chena Hot Springs Road, roughly
30 miles from Fairbanks. There were _a lot_ of non-leps out, and I enjoyed
the day. Here are a few findings that may be of interest to this group:

Nymphalis antiopa  (Mourning Cloak)
Polygonia faunus   (Green Comma)
Celastrina ladon   (Spring Azure)
Archiearis infans (a rather fancy geometrid)

and a couple of as yet unidentified moths.


James J. Kruse, Ph.D.
Curator of Entomology
University of Alaska Museum
907 Yukon Drive
Fairbanks, AK, USA 99775-6960
tel 907.474.5579
fax 907.474.1987


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