In search of the Miami Blues

Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Fri May 17 11:27:38 EDT 2002

Hello all,

       As most of you may know, I have started my weekly trips to the 
Florida Keys as of yesterday (Friday, May 10th).
       Mark Walker and I are asking a few things from the rest of you. 
First of all, I know that most of you live in other states and are 
unable to be present in the field with me, but if anybody wants to go on 
these weekly trips with me, it will make my job a lot easier. The drive 
down solo gets somewhat old after a while. The more personnel I have 
down there the quicker (we) can get ground covered. It will speed up the 
process. I need to hear from any potential help ASAP.
       The second thing is data. I believe Mark sent out a message 
regarding this. There are disadvantages to being 24 years old you know, 
I was not around when thomasi was common. So, I need to rely on you "old 
timers" to help me with some data. I would like the exact locations and 
dates of the specimens in your collections. This would help big time! 
Even if they are not there any more, I still would like to check  the 
locations out. I will also review the dates. Mark Walker is planning a 
visit or two to the keys to help me out. I will view the conglomeration 
of dates to see if there are any "peaks in the flight period" to plan 
his trip.

Contact me at: (561) 573 - 2985

Next week, I am planning to visit Bahia Honda and neighboring areas.
You will hear again from me then.

David Fine

I have been asked to forward this to y'all.
I can't wait to hear what they found there (this weekend), and hope they 
paused to gather a lot of the right sort of seeds.
I would especially like to know where the little guys pupate, when they 
use Pithecellobium and Caesalpinea spp. as host plants. I cannot believe 
that they can burrow into those wooden seeds of the Nickerbean, even in 
their tender youth. So would those of you who have worked with this 
little bug please send us your information. (We have, of course, read 
John Calhoun et al.'s paper.)
I wish I could ride with David, but it's a fur piece from Mayo.
Anne Kilmer
Task Force Director
Miami Blue Butterfly Restoration Project


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