"Memorial Day" count

Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Sun May 19 14:45:05 EDT 2002

Jeff Glassberg wrote:

> Dear Ann,
> Thanks very much for your interest in the NABA Memorial Day Butterfly Count.
> While certainly it would be encouraging if people throughout the world
> observed butterflies that weekend, we, at NABA, have no way to process the
> data they would generate.  All the data generated during the Count will be
> inputted into the NABA database by observers -- and the database is
> currently set up to include only butterfly species and locations in the
> United States and Canada (Mexico will follow).  Again, thanks for the
> thought.
> Sincerely,
> Jeffrey Glassberg

well, I'm disappointed, but I understand.
maybe next year? And thank you for your incredibly swift response.

Anne Kilmer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anne Kilmer [mailto:viceroy at GATE.NET]
> Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 2:27 PM
> To: Leps List
> Cc: NABA
> Subject: "Memorial Day" count
> NABA announcement:
> "Everyone is invited to spend some time outdoors this Memorial Day weekend
> (May 25-May 27) and to observe butterflies.  Butterflies can be seen
> anywhere, including in national, state and county parks, or in the
> observer's own backyard.  Observations can be for as little as one-half
> hour or for
> the entire weekend.
> Observers are encouraged to send in the reports to the "Butterflies I've
> Seen" pages at the NABA web site, www.naba.org.
> The Memorial Day Butterfly Count is intended to officially launch the
> "Butterflies I've Seen" sightings database/life list, which will become one
> of the largest biological databases in the world."
> Dear Jeffrey,
> Are international butterflyers invited to join this count? I'd like to
> count in Ireland, and I'm sure many of our international friends are
> also eager to join in.
> The fellows were just complaining that they'd like a worldwide spring
> count, and a fall count too, and it's great that you're accommodating us.
> Thanks
> Anne Kilmer
> Mayo, Ireland
> and South Florida


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