Is this a big newly found colony of Miami Blues?
Anne Kilmer
viceroy at GATE.NET
Wed May 22 01:14:05 EDT 2002
Paul Cherubini wrote:
> Subject: Ants and Miami Blue butterflies
> Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 06:35:12 +0100
> From: Anne Kilmer <viceroy at GATE.NET>
> Organization: Butterfly Coalition
> To: ENTOMO-L at
> We're working on a project to restore the Miami Blue Butterfly,
> Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri, which is tended by a species of
> Camponotus ant.
> On a recent visit to the Keys we found one area of Nickerbean full of
> larvae, each tended by about three ants. There were many eggs, and many
> flying adults.
> snip
> Anne Kilmer
> Mayo, Ireland
> and South Florida
no. same colony. lots of ants though.
I suspect that the ants are crucial to the Nickerbean relationship.
On Balloon Vine they may not be necessary ... the pupae are enclosed in the seed pods.
I have yet to find an expert who knows where they pupate on Nickerbean.
Anne Kilmer
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