CT Butterfly Atlas project

Lawrence F. Gall lawrence.gall at yale.edu
Wed May 22 16:10:19 EDT 2002

The Connecticut Butterfly Atlas Project (CBAP) is in the
final stages of preparing its printed publication, The
Connecticut Butterfly Atlas (the State Department of
Environmental Protection is underwriting this volume).
We're eagerly looking forward to making this available!

However, the CBAP is still missing photographs of adults and
larvae for several species, and the Steering Committee is
soliciting high quality slides at this time from anyone who
may be able to help out.

On the CBAP's web site are several PDF files containing the
"Photo Want Lists" for adults as well as larvae, along with
a document describing the submission guidelines for slides:

   http://george.peabody.yale.edu/cbap/wanted1.pdf - Adults
   http://george.peabody.yale.edu/cbap/wanted2.pdf - Larvae
   http://george.peabody.yale.edu/cbap/slides.pdf  - Guidelines

The contact for submissions is Mike Thomas (206 Skyview
Drive, Cromwell, CT 06416, michaelcthomas at earthlink.net).
A copy of the first page of the submission guidelines
appears below.

Regards, Larry



         The Connecticut Butterfly Atlas Project

The Steering Committee of the Connecticut Butterfly Atlas is
seeking high quality 35mm color transparencies of the
butterflies and caterpillars listed on the "Photo Want List"
for publication in the book, The Connecticut Butterfly
Atlas.  To submit images for consideration, please adhere to
the guidelines provided below:


* You must be the sole author and owner of the copyright for
   all photographs submitted.

* 35mm color transparencies must be mounted in standard
   cardboard or plastic slide mounts.  No glass mounts or
   color prints will be accepted.

* Please ensure all transparencies are clearly labeled.
   Each slide must be individually identified with the
   photographer's name, species identification, date and

* Transparencies must be supplied in transparent plastic
   pages.  To avoid damage, all submissions should be
   packaged in cardboard for mailing.

* Provide a separate list of all transparencies submitted
   for consideration.

* Submissions must be accompanied by a signed Agreement Form
   giving the CT Department of Environmental Protection the
   one-time right to copy and publish all submitted

* Mail your submission along with a signed copy of the
   Agreement Form to:

Michael Thomas
206 Skyview Drive
Cromwell, CT 06416
michaelcthomas at earthlink.net

: Lawrence F. Gall, Ph.D.            e-mail: lawrence.gall at yale.edu  :
: Head, Computer Systems Office &     voice: 1-203-432-9892          :
: Curatorial Affiliate in Entomology    FAX: 1-203-432-9816          :
: Peabody Museum of Natural History    http://www.peabody.yale.edu   :
: P.O. Box 208118, Yale University                                   :
: New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA                                       :


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