Hey Nice article! aye?
Joecoffy3 at aol.com
Joecoffy3 at aol.com
Sat May 25 11:59:16 EDT 2002
Dear Kelly,
I enjoyed your article. Here is information concerning the Miami Blue
Nice article. Here is the background that can help you on your followup and
make a more meaningful and impacting statement.
The Butterfly Restoration Project, which started on January 15 th of this
after a call by Dr. Glassberg for grassroots participation, is a Task Force
100s backed up by dozens of scientists and other professional butterfly
fanciers who are making new discoveries weekly. I included this as an
attachment and contacts are on the document.
As a scientist it makes my heart glow to see so many people work together in
such a friendly spirit of cooperation. Project lepidopterists on the scene as
well as volunteers to help see to the safety of the imperiled Miami Blue
Butterfly (contrary to some sources it is properly called Cyclargus thomasi
Anne Kilmer, a journalist I am sure well known to you, is the Vice Chair of
Operations and actually leads the Task Force affectionately called the "Miami
Blue Crew "by hundreds of eagerly awaiting participants in the education
phase. Anne was one of the founding members of the Atala Chapter and can lead
this group of butterfly watchers and gardeners in this adventure very
properly. Anne is now working with the scientists on ant asssociations to
write an educational brochure for school kids in south Florida. She is one of
many unsung heroes. she is a contact to be reached in Ireland where she is
documenting the brief but fascinating summer. Thanks to Anne for being there
when our Project Director needed her.
This is one of the largest undertakings of its type in Florida History and
can serve as a model for future actions. Pro and amateur alike can all work
side by side. Having briefed my recently departed dear friend, Stephen Jay
Gould in February of this year mutual friend he "Quite glorious, is it not?
Just leave it to Bob! " Jay it certainly is...and we will.
Thank you,
Joe Coffy III. PhD
Cambridge, MA
Incidentaly Lepsters get the attached PR/1b out to every newspaper in the
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