Hybrids and genera

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Fri Nov 8 21:01:50 EST 2002

I agree about genera. But as Bob pointed out if the hybrids aren't fertile there's no
gene flow. MIKE GOCHFELD

Jeff Oliver wrote:

> Let's not forget that 'genera' are concepts, and don't really have any objective
> biological definition (no 'Biological Genus Concept' or 'Phylogenetic Genus
> Concept').  'Species', despite all the different definitions given in the
> literature, can be thought of as lineages.  If taxonomy is to reflect phylogeny,
> then taxa with contemporary gene flow should definitely be considered congeneric,
> and potentially conspecific (depending on levels of gene flow).  Of course,
> determining contemporary gene flow is another ball of wax...
> Jeff Oliver
> University of Arizona
> jcoliver at email.arizona.edu
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