sphingid larva
Stanley A. Gorodenski
stanlep at extremezone.com
Mon Nov 11 13:58:59 EST 2002
One year I had a huge number of what looks to be the same thing in my
back yard in Phoenix. I don't have a lawn, and the natural vegetation
(not weeds) that year were quite abundant because of the abundant rains
we had. I'll take a wild stab - Hyles linneata, the white lined sphinx?
jh wrote:
> Some friends came across a great number of these sphingids in Arizona a few
> weeks ago
> and took this picture. They asked if I could find someone who knew what
> they were.
> Picture at http://booksandnature.homestead.com/misc5.html
> Thanks -
> John
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
> John Himmelman
> Killingworth, CT
> jhimmel at mindspring.com
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
> NEW THIS FALL! "Discovering Moths, Nighttime Jewels in Your Own Yard"
> Go to: http://booksandnature.homestead.com/DiscoveringMothspage.html
> Visit my other websites at:
> www.johnhimmelman.com
> www.connecticutmoths.com
> www.ctamphibians.com
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