Species ID

MexicoDoug at aol.com MexicoDoug at aol.com
Mon Nov 18 14:15:12 EST 2002

hi howard sure looks like ms. julia to me or most probably mr....  was it 
bright orange above....  ....best butterflying  doug  monterrey mexico.  ps 
the julia  butterfly's latin name is dryas julia do a web search to compare 
this heliconinnae sub family butterfly                    
..kefyboa     rdt probl]ems

.mensaje con fecha 11/18/2002 12:56:16 PM Central Standard Time, 
HMSDOC at aol.com escribe:

> Asunto:Species ID 
> Fecha:11/18/2002 12:56:16 PM Central Standard Time
> De:<A HREF="mailto:HMSDOC at aol.com">HMSDOC at aol.com</A>
> Para:<A HREF="mailto:LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu">LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu</A>
> Enviado por Internet 
> Hi...I hope this is an appropriate question to the group...but I was hoping 
> to
> get some help in the identification of a butterfly photo I took in a 
> butterfly
> house at a local conservatory.  Thanks in advance.  The photo can be found
> here...
> <A HREF="http://www2.photosig.com/viewphoto.php?id=208122">http://www2.photosig.com/viewphoto.php?id=208122</A>
> Any help is appreciated.
> Howard
> HMSDOC at aol.com

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