Help - molding collection in the tropics

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Fri Oct 25 14:10:00 EDT 2002

We used to prevent mold/mildew with a low wattage electric light bulb. 
25 watts was enough to keep a clothes closet dry.  It wouldn't have to
run all the time.  It may not be feasible in an insect display, but just
a thought. We'll ask our mold people (we have such) if there is a
treatment for mold (other than bleach which probably doesn't do much
good for specimens). 

Mike Gochfeld

> John Shuey wrote:
> I was just at a field station in Belize which has a nice "butterfly
> display" with data in their classroom (~200 specimens).  But it has
> two major problems that will ultimately destroy it - so I'm looking
> for ideas about how to at least prolong its life by several years.
> It is housed in a less than air-tight display case with a hinged glass
> lid - it probably has about the same surface area as 5 Cornell
> drawers.
> Problem one - psocids are eating it alive - I though I would just send
> a couple of no-pest strips and that should wipe out the extra
> insects.. no?  I also though I would send some adhesive weather
> stripping down, so that maybe they could get a seal in place.
> Problem two - mold.  Because of the humidity (the station is in a
> small clearing in premontane rainforest), mold is hitting the
> collection pretty hard.  Two things come to mind.  I could send some
> desiccant, but they would have to constantly change and dry it out
> (this is a really damp place).  And, if could send something that
> would at least kill the current batch of mold, that would help a lot -
> but I have no idea what that something might be.
> Any ideas or alternate solutions???
> Champion of lost causes,
> John
> _________________
> John Shuey
> Director of Conservation Science
> Indiana Office of The Nature Conservancy


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