Seminole Crescents not first record
Randy Emmitt
birdcr at
Sun Oct 27 21:56:25 EST 2002
Sorry for the first posting on first record in NC as well as cross posting
to these lists. I have been informed by Leroy Koehn that he collected
Seminole Crescents (Anthanassa seminole texana) in Brunswick County, NC
back in May of 1985 and September of 1987. Also he suggested that perhaps
Bo Sullivan collected some in NC as well. For the record these "may" be the
first found in NC in 15 years.
Mike was asking where in SC did I find my Richland records, 4 were under
the bridge by the Dead River on Highway 601 where you noted them last
year. My Sumter record was on the Congaree at the Sumter/ Richland county
line along the river to the north as far as you could walk along the river
bank, this was the old boat landing across from the freshly mowed Richland
County landing was along the highway towards Sumter.
For what its worth I also found on my way home new county sightings in
Bladen County NC of Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) and Long-tailed
Skipper (Urbanus proteus). New county is referring to records kept in the
past 10 years.
Also I found a bunch of Cloudless Sulphurs Cloudless Sulphurs (Phoebis sennae)
nectaring on red cannas which was a first for me. The cannas looked to
have had Brazilian Skippers eating them at one point.
Anyone care to ID a mystery sphinx caterpillar I have a beautiful photo? It
was just over a inch long brilliant orangish red with 8 elongated eye spots
on the sides with a horn at the rear. It was feeding on a common weed about
3-4 foot tall that the name escapes me, I have seen birds like Common
Yellow-throat hanging from them eating the seeds at Mason's Farm in Chapel
Hill, I think its flowers are yellow and the seed pods(resemble flowers)
are elongated and about one inch long.
Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC
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