
Xi Wang xiwang at
Wed Sep 4 19:00:11 EDT 2002

Hi Simon,

No clues for most of them, but the Marpesia species you have might be M.
chiron (Banded Daggerwing).

Xi Wang

Simon Coombes wrote:

> Hi
> I'm reading this through Google groups as I don't seem to be able to
> resubscribe after a couple of months break. I'm sure I'll crack it
> soon though.
> Anyhow, in July this year I was lucky enough to spend a month in
> Venezuela as a 'link' teacher on a school expedition. Although I
> didn't have much time to myself I did have the odd few minutes here
> and there for a little butterfly photography. The pictures aren't as
> good as they might have been, (I usually end up taking ten to get one
> good one!) as I didn't really have the time. However there are a
> number of interest.
> My problem is that I have no resources for identification, other than
> deVries, which has given me a few clues, at least to genus level. I
> was wondering if any of you would mind running your expert eye over a
> few of them, I would guess they would be common Venezuelan species,
> but I've noted where the photos were taken as an aid.
> Photos at:
> Thanks for any help.
> Simon


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