Stanley A. Gorodenski stanlep at
Mon Sep 9 11:17:59 EDT 2002

An interesting position taken by the Mass Lep Soc. I assume the Lep Soc
has both kinds of members - collectors and watchers, but it appears the
Mass Lep Soc only allows watchers in their membership. Is this correct?
I seems a photographer of butterflies can also be a collector with a
scientific interest. Are their really only two kinds of mutually
exclusive individuals - collectors and noncollectors?

"Grkovich, Alex" wrote:
> I wanted to share this very sad post with everyone on line, because I do
> believe that it reveals a very unsavory and even nasty aspect to certain
> leaders among the "butterfly watchers". I feel very bad about this because
> it is this sort of attitude that exists among such leaders that renders
> reconciliation between butterfly "watchers" and Lepidopterists (i.e. those
> who collect butterflies), regardless even if they collect scientifically, as
> I suspect, everyone by now realizes that I do, impossible.
> Yesterday, I visited for the second time in a month, an area along a
> powerline cut near Milford, Massachusetts, that was identified by Brian
> Cassie, editor of Mass Leps. I met a very cordial individual during both
> visits, the second one yesterday.
> This morning, there was this posting on the MassLeps "Archives", from Brian
> Cassie in regard to my visit:
> "Hi everyone,
>    Yesterday was an almost perfect day in the field except for one thing.
> One of my friends told me that after I posted the Harvester sightings [in
> early August] in Milford recently, the next day there was a collector at the
> spot looking foe them. I have no responsibility for this butterfly chatline
> and I am very grateful for its existence but I guess I can no longer give
> specific directions to good butterflies in print, since even persons who are
> er removed from our list can get the information online. At least twice this
> year I mentioned that anyone is welcome to follow directions I give but I
> give them specifically for butterfly watching and specifically not for any
> collecting.
>     From now on, if you read about something I saw and you want directions,
> call me or send me a personal e-mail.
>     As for you, AG, go out and find your own butterflies.
>     Brian Cassie"
> I think the above post speaks volumes, in terms of the unfriendly and biased
> mindset of such individuals who claim to be "leaders". I had suspected that
> the "war" had ended. I had not since last year written anything that could
> be construed as being offensive to this person, and I had resolved to never
> again do so. I had also thought that I had begun to make some friendly
> relationships with some of the MassLep people, off-line and also in the
> field, as I suspect I did yesterday. There is, however, a problem here, and
> it is not with me, at least not anymore. I feely admit that I was quite rude
> with this person a few times last year, but I also feel that I apologized to
> him enough times - maybe too many times.
> I honestly feel nothing but pity for unsuspecting "watchers" who are under
> his command and under the command of like-minded "leaders".
> Reconciliation is absolutely impossible with such individuals.
> Two responses:
> 1. I am an avocational and scientifically minded Lepidopterist, not merely a
> "butterfly collector".
> 2. Brian, I really DON'T need your directions, I can find and have found all
> the butterflies (including Harvesters) that I need on my own.
> Alex Grkovich
> Alex Grkovich, P.E.
> TMP Consulting Engineers, Inc.
> 52 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111
> (617) 357-6060 ext. 329
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