Record Low Monarch population expected in Mexico this winter.
Bob Parcelles,Jr.
rjparcelles at
Fri Sep 13 11:28:50 EDT 2002
--- Paul Cherubini <monarch at> wrote:
> Monarch populations in the upper midwestern USA have been
> much lower than normal late this summer. Experienced observers
> have found only dozens of monarchs at traditional overnight
> clustering
> sites that normally contain many hundreds or thousands of
> monarchs. Thus it appears likely the overwintering
> population of monarchs in Mexico this winter will be at
> record low levels.
> The weak monarch migration this fall and record low overwintering
> population in Mexico will undoubtedly lead to many frightening and
> worrisome "this could be the end" type monarch horror story articles
> in the popular press. I predict some of the scientists authoring or
> quoted in
> the articles will not talk much about the natural biotic or abiotic
> factors
> that could have led to the monarch population crash, but instead will
> try to
> link the crash to human disturbances of the environment such
> as logging, urban sprawl, pesticide use, global warming, genetically
> modified crops, etc. Rant: Nowadays it is fashionable and
> financially
> rewarding to link the decline of butterflies to human disturbances as
> this leads
> to a greater level of public fear and worry and hence larger grants
> and
> donations for the conservation organizations.
> Paul Cherubini
> Placerville, Calif.
Hi Paul,
Nice to hear from you. As to larger grants and donations I have just
this to say...keep those dollars rolling! :)
Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
Ecologist/Ethologist, RJP Associates
CEO, PROactive Ecology Solutions Group (PESG)
Institute of Ecological and Environmental Studies (IEES)
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