[leps-talk] Beautiful Beamer *Phocides belus* - First US Record

MexicoDoug at aol.com MexicoDoug at aol.com
Mon Apr 14 14:22:31 EDT 2003

En un mensaje con fecha 04/14/2003 10:10:39 AM Mexico Daylight Time, 
legitintellexit at earthlink.net escribe:

> I thought Beautiful Beamer was an old Stephen Foster song...  cb

Naw, it was probably named after its "DISCOVERER's" CAR, after peeling it off 
the radiator.**

Gone are the days when their names were sung and played.
Gone our beloved from the open fields away.
Gone from this Earth to a better land I know.
I hear their gentle voices calling, "Bold? Knack? ... Show?"

The above is 'borrowed' from a Foster which some Connecticut Yankees may 

Best wishes,
Doug Dawn
Monterrey, Mexico

**Or maybe it was Jerry Brown's loving nickname for Linda Ronstadt when she 
was hot, come to think of it MOON BEAMER is a much better name for the 
Celestially Beautiful URANIA SKIPPER (a.k.a. Rainbow Skipper), lest the name 
become JADED, now that it has been claimed as sighted just once in the 
U.S.A., to mention the sometimes bluish-hue this skipper might take on 
depending on the lighting.
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