More on Rare Butterflies in Brooklyn NY
Michael Gochfeld
gochfeld at
Tue Aug 12 17:52:58 EDT 2003
> Subject: Rare Butterflies saga at Prospect's Butterfly Meadow 8/11
> Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 22:54:46 EDT
> From: ProsBird at
> To: benc at
> Period 8/9-8/11/03
> The appearance of a GIANT SWALLOWTAIL species first spotted last
> Saturday the 9th has two additional astounding twists on Lookout
> Hill's Butterfly Meadow.
> Today, as reported by butterfly expert Jerry Layton, A SECOND GIANT
> SWALLOWTAIL Butterfly has joined the first, now seen as the male. The
> second unworn Giant Swallowtail is larger, indicating the female, and
> has two of its tails intact whereas the first is missing the tails
> plus a small corner of the left lower hindwing. Both Giants were seen
> chasing each other, experiencing spirals with each other as well above
> the Buddleia bushes, especially the one Buddleia outside the meadow. I
> saw the two together on the latter Budleia at 3:45 PM after Jerry's
> report left at my office.
> Now, another astounding twist that has me wondering the legitimacy of
> the rare possibly southern strays sightings.
> While viewing the bountiful wildflower array inside the meadow after
> his 2nd Giant Swallowtail find, Jerry sees a low flying darkened type
> of Monarch that he got very close to. It's a QUEEN BUTTERFLY. It
> stayed perched upon Wooded Sunflowers for quite a while.
> If you like to ask Jerry more details or engage in discussion, he can
> be contacted at Lsparrow41 at
> Peter
> PS. For those who missed the link, the photos of the first Giant
> Swallowtail can be seen on "new photos"
> List
> Giant Swallowtail (2) ; male seen also 8/10 by Jerry Layton, PDorosh
> and NYC Audubon Group led by Paul Keim
> Female with male today 8/11 : Jerry Layton, PDorosh
> QUEEN BUTTERFLY - Jerry Layton
> Other: Spicebush Swallowtail, Tiger Swallowtail, Black Swallowtail,
> Red Admiral, Comma, Question Mark, Silver -spotted Skipper, American
> Lady, Broadwing Skipper, Cabbage Whites
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