new photo

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Sun Dec 7 06:16:50 EST 2003

I've put up a new photo on the Leps-Talk home page   I made these for possible
use on the *Pterourus appalachiensis* OD a couple years ago.  There wasn't
room in the paper for them so they've just been sitting in the TILS files.
If a picture us worth a thousand words, then soak up what these 4,000 words
are communicating.

These composites are actual size overlays of *P. glaucus* hind wings over
those of *P. appalachiensis* hindwings.   These are from the
*appalachiensis* type locality in Clay County, NC.  The individual
specimens are from the same place and time (May).    Both set are of normal
sized individuals.  Both species are very common at the TL.

It is important to note that not only is *appalachiensis* much larger than
*glaucus*, but that their wing morphology (shape) is quite different.   The
wings of *glaucus* are rounder and broader, those of *appalachiensis*
angulate and triangular.   The outer margin of *glaucus* is also scalloped
while in *appalachiensis* is has a step form.

Ron Gatrelle


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