RFI on WV butterflies

Randy Emmitt birdcr at concentric.net
Sat Jan 18 18:56:00 EST 2003


I'm planning a trip to Northeastern West Virginia somewhere between April 
19th and 27th weather permitting. My goal is to get photos of several 
butterfly species I haven't gotten yet. I'm open to suggestions and 
experienced company on this trip. Please if you know of good sites for 
these species let me know where to find them?

The species I'll be looking for are:

Olympia Marble, Euchloe olympia

Hoary Elfin, Deciduphagus polios polios (May have head north for this one)

Northern Azure, Celastrina lucia

Cherry Gall Azure, Celastrina spp.

Dusky Azure, Celastrina nigra

Silvery Blue, Glaucopsyche lygdamus nittanyensis (for a buddy if he can 
make the trip)

Green Comma, Polygonia faunus

Compton Tortoiseshell, Nymphalis vaualbum

Columbine Duskywing, Erynnis lucilius

Grizzled Skipper , Pyrgus centaureae

I know that if I can get 50% of these I'll be pretty happy.

I know my way around  a bit in Pendleton, Tucker and Randolph counties. I 
plan on focusing my efforts in Grant, Hardy, Hampshire and Mineral counties 
in WV but would be willing to travel out of these areas(Pennsylvania and 
Maryland) for prime habitats with known colonies.

Randy Emmitt
919 641 2311 cell

Randy Emmitt
Butterflies Found In North Carolina Online
Coming soon an interactive CD The Butterflies of NC, SC, VA and WV


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