Alberta Lepidopterists' Guild Website

Gary Anweiler gganweiler at
Tue Jan 28 00:03:32 EST 2003

The Alberta Lepidopterists' Guild, ALG has launched it's new
website!!  The can be found at

While there check the link to the University of Alberta Virtual Museum,
where thre are some 300 species pages of Alberta Leps, with dot maps,
images, etc etc. as well as the specimen data from the University of Alberta
Strickland Entomological Museum collection. For those with broader
interests, there are also many pages of thrips, beetles, caddisflies etc.
This is a work in progress, with new pages and data being added as fast as
we can produce and load them.

We hope to meet many of you at the LepSoc meeting in Olds, Alberta this

Gary Anweiler, Alberta Lepidopterists' Guild
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


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