Visual Effects

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Tue Jul 1 06:33:08 EDT 2003

This visual replay is pretty interesting.  When I get off a boat after several
hours at sea, I continue to see the wave movement superimposed on anything I
look at below eye level.  When I first step on the dock this replay is enough to
offset my balance.  But the effect fades within about 10 minutes, whereas the
butterfly replay that others report last for hours.  We need to find a way to
package that.  I presume that it is not an unpleasant sensation.

Mike Gochfeld


Mark Walker wrote:

> I have had exactly the same sort of experience that Stan describes.  My
> brain sort of replays the day's activities on my internal projection screen.
> I've had similar experiences after skiing or doing some other activity where
> there is lots of visual stimulation.  The dancing butterflies on my eyelids
> are always a welcome sight.
> Mark Walker
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: James Kruse [mailto:fnjjk1 at]
> > Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 6:32 PM
> > To: leps-l at
> > Subject: Re: Visual Effects
> >
> > on 6/30/03 2:10 PM, Stanley A. Gorodenski at stan_gorodenski at
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I wonder if other collectors experience the same thing I do. Whenever I
> > > collect after I haven't collected for some time, that night when I go to
> > > sleep and close my eyes I see a flurry of butterflies. The same thing
> > > happens when it snows. Then I see a flurry of snow flakes. Is this a
> > > common effect? Does anyone know the visual explanation for it? I imagine
> > > it has something to do with the visual part of the brain doing this.
> > > Stan
> >
> > I do when I am awake and out collecting and I haven't collected for some
> > time: On the first outing or two of spring I have a hard time focusing and
> > see movements all over in my peripheral vision, making tracking very
> > difficult when I actually do see something. I always figured that I was
> > just
> > excited and out of practice. However, sitting in front of an electronic
> > box
> > for many hours per day probably has more than a little to do with it.
> >
> > Jim
> >
> >
> >
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