4JC-Ambivalence #1

chris kline kline_at_pine at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 9 09:58:17 EDT 2003

Hi all,
I'm in the southwest, so the southwest leps list is the one I take more interest in.  Perhpas one reason why all of Anne's responses were privately is because when you hit reply to a leps list msg it goes to the original poster, not the list.  This has messed me up a couple times.  I need to pay more attention to that.
Re:4JC - We are conducting a monarch butterfly study to try to determine migration patterns on monarchs in the southwest.  When I was deciding whether to conduct the study, I referenced the butterfly counts from Arizona and New Mexico.  I knew the southwest wasn't a hotbed of monarch activity, but the counts assured me that monarchs are in the southwest, albeit in low numbers.  I think the 4JC's do have value.

Chris Kline
Senior Instructional Specialist
Boyce Thompson Arboretum
37615 U.S. Highway 60
Superior, Arizona  85273
(520) 689-2723

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