A Pipevine Swallowtail question

Rob McNair-Huff rob at whiterabbits.com
Fri Jul 11 00:59:50 EDT 2003

Does anyone know how long on average it takes Pipevine Swallowtail 
eggs to hatch into caterpillars? The eggs were laid about two weeks 
ago at this point.

Meanwhile, my wife and I enjoyed ourselves yesterday, watching two 
Red Admirable emerge from their respective chrysalises. I took a 
couple of photos and wrote about them in my nature weblog, The 
Equinox Project, at http://www.whiterabbits.com/weblog.html.

Thanks in advance!

Rob McNair-Huff ---------- mailto:rob at whiterabbits.com
White Rabbit Publishing -- http://www.whiterabbits.com/
Mac Net Journal ---------- http://www.macnetjournal.com/
The Equinox Project ------ http://www.whiterabbits.com/weblog.html


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