Need Sphingid Caterpillar ID Help

Xi Wang xiwang at
Mon Jul 28 23:47:19 EDT 2003

Well, this species doesn't "attach" like most butterflies.  Instead it
goes underground and pupates and hibernates there.  The fact that it was
moving restlessly and not accepting food plant suggests it was within a
day or two of pupation.


Terry Morse wrote:

> Thanks to both of you who replied.  The caterpillar was found in an
> area where there is copious fireweed.  I tried feeding it fresh-cut
> fireweed, but it didn't appear interested in eating.  Also lined my
> container with paper towel, hoping it would attach and pupate, but it
> just kept moving restlessly.
> I finally decided to release it this afternoon, in the area where it
> was collected.  The caterpillar immediately moved off into the thick
> vegetation, and I was unable to follow it to see where it would wind
> up.
> Thanks for your help.
> Terry


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