The lesson of the moth

Charles Bordelon legitintellexit at
Thu Jul 31 15:48:58 EDT 2003

A beautiful poem, indeed.  As comic relief, there are other important things that happened on this date...  500 A.D. Sampson's Last Performance: He brought the house down....  1953: After 22 years in the kitchen, Betty Crocker went stir crazy;  and in 1983, a famous historian who worked for the government for many years, and  was paid an extraordinary sum of money was hired to find out who financed the pyramids.  After all this time, money and research, he's pretty sure, it was a guy named "Eddie."  Finally, on this date, the toilet was invented by Thomas Crapper...  Actually, he now calls himself Thomas Crapper Mellancamp...  Class dismissed...  cb
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: John 
  To: LEPS-L at ; Lep-TILS 
  Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 1:47 PM
  Subject: FW: The lesson of the moth

  Hi All -

  I got this from a friend the other day.  You can go to the site and read the poem, or listen - I recommend the latter.

  It will make you smile.

  John Himmelman
  Connecticut, USA

  Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 4:33 PM
  To: John Himmelman
  Subject: The lesson of the moth

      Hi John,

      This morning Garrison Keillor's Writer's Almanac on public radio had a poem by Don Marquis entitled "the lesson of the moth," part of his "Archie the Cockroach" series. (ever hear of Archie?)  Anyway, thought of you when I heard it.  You can read or listen to it at


      John Himmelman
      Killingworth, CT
      jhimmel at

      JUST OUT FALL 2002!  "Discovering Moths, Nighttime Jewels in Your Own Yard"
      Go to:

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