Visual Effects

Randy Emmitt birdcr at
Mon Jun 30 22:07:15 EDT 2003


Although I don't collect with a net, I use a camera instead. The only 
butterfly dreams I have are the mystery ones that get away. The butterfly 
dreams I have had in the past have always included sulphurs, notably the 
Orange-barred Sulphur (Phoebis philea) I think I saw in the Green Swamp(in 
the NC coastal plain) a few years back and the often hunted Southern 
Dogface (Colias [Zerene] which I did have the luck to find finally along 
the Ohio River Valley.

Randy Emmitt
Rougemount, NC

At 03:10 PM 6/30/2003 -0800, Stanley A. Gorodenski wrote:
>I wonder if other collectors experience the same thing I do. Whenever I
>collect after I haven't collected for some time, that night when I go to
>sleep and close my eyes I see a flurry of butterflies. The same thing
>happens when it snows. Then I see a flurry of snow flakes. Is this a
>common effect? Does anyone know the visual explanation for it? I imagine
>it has something to do with the visual part of the brain doing this.
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