Butterfly Month

Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Mon Mar 17 07:23:37 EST 2003

April is Butterfly Month ... pass it on.

In the spirit of fun, we could announce that all the schools in the 
world will be celebrating on the first day of April, a Tuesday, the 
Feast of the Butterflies, and will welcome butterfly gardeners with 
garden tools and plants, to help spiff up their butterfly gardens.
If there is no butterfly garden, you could ask innocently, "Where would 
you like one?"

While it would be funnier to spring this on them, for April First is 
also the Feast of Fools, it might be more effective to consult with the 
school first, make a plan for their garden, circulate flyers among the 
students and get parent and neighbor participation. The school 
administration will need to ok it, in most schools, if there isn't 
already a garden.
If you have paper and crayons, you can make flyers to send home, each 
with its own individualized message.
Web pages are wonderful, and instructions for welcoming your local 
butterflies can be made available on line. For instance, the NABA Atala 
Chapter's page offers a flyer listing plants and butterflies for Florida 

If everyone who knows a little about gardening and/or butterflies can 
participate, locally and globally, we can make a considerable splash 
with this project.

Pass this on.
Anne Kilmer
Butterfly Coalition


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