four very detailed websites?

Grkovich, Alex agrkovich at
Fri May 2 10:44:28 EDT 2003

In a Field Guide, I regard it to be vitally important from a scientific
standpoint that the collecting or photographic location (and date, such as
in Tilden and Howe etc.) be provided along with the illustrated specimen.
The omissions of this data is one of the more significant drawbacks in the
recent Kaufmann Focus Guide, for example, especially since it is of national
scope. Even in regional Guides, such as Mo Nielsen's Michigan Guide, it
would have been helpful for some of the more difficult and questionable
species, such as the "Pearl" and "Northern" Crescents, to have known from
which part of the State the specimen was from (for example, "Pearls" are
described as having black antenna clubs, yet illustrated specimens have
orange ones etc.), and to me, some of the illustrated Pearl and Northern
Crescents look like they're the same species... 

Rev. #2 to the Focus Guide should hav this data included somewhere in the

Of course, I also have to admit that sometimes the collecting/photographic
data can be of assistance in finding the butterfly...For example, from the
BTB-BosNYWash book I know where and when specifically to find a Dion
Skipper, if I ever need to...(at present, I have no field experience with
the species)...


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Jim Mason [SMTP:Jim at]
> Sent:	Friday, May 02, 2003 9:18 AM
> To:	Leps-L
> Subject:	RE: four very detailed websites?
> Bruce, Mike, et al.,
> I would suggest the collecting info be kept separately in a text file that
> could be downloaded for those who are interested.  If there is a virtue to
> associating a particular color morph of a given species with a particular
> location, then the location could be on the same page as the image, but
> the
> rest of what goes on a typical set of pin tags won't mean beans to most
> folks.
> Jim Mason, Naturalist
> Jim at
> Great Plains Nature Center
> 6232 E. 29th Street North
> Wichita, KS 67220-2200
> 316-683-5499 x103 - voice
> 316-688-9555 - fax
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Mark Walker" <MWalker at>
> To: "leps-l" <leps-l at>; "tils-leps-talk"
> <tils-leps-talk at>
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 6:45 AM
> Subject: RE: [leps-talk] RE: four very detailed websites?
> > Mike Quinn wrote:
> >
> > > Bruce, I agree that your websites are image and taxonomically rich,
> > > however
> > > I find them somewhat lacking in details, for instance, very few images
> > > have
> > > _any_ label data such as collector, date, locality associated with
> them...
> >
> > ???
> >
> >
> > >
> > > In my earlier days of online clashes with such as yourself, I probably
> > > would
> > > have noted the similarity of insect collecting without label data to
> stamp
> > > collecting, but I trust that we are both well beyond such trivial
> > > exchanges
> > > and would instead much rather set an example for others to follow, no?
> >
> > I don't know what this is all about, but let me just say that the value
> of
> > the SE AZ website(s) surpasses most of what I have access to online with
> > regards to assisting me in making identifications - so that I can make
> > accurate and informative reports as to what I am seeing or collecting.
> In
> > other words the web site is an incredibly useful tool for field
> > lepidopterists that enables them to provide just what Mike is asking
> for.
> >
> > I would of course welcome the addition of any specific collecting data
> to
> > the AZ web site, just as I welcome the submission of collecting data in
> > field guides (of course, field guides that pretend that collecting is
> not
> a
> > key part of the science of Lepidoptera intentionally leave out this
> > important information).
> >
> > Mark Walker.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  ------------------------------------------------------------ 
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >
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