fw:entomolgy student sought to run butterfly program

Lili Pintea-Reed pinteareed at madbbs.com
Sun May 4 17:12:22 EDT 2003

Here's forwarded a job offer for an entomolgy student! Reply to them --not me.

Date: Thu, 01 May 2003 09:02:14 -0400
> From: "r.mikula" <butrfly at epix.net>
> Subject: Entomolgy Student sought
> Headquarters Farm, a historically significant private estate in Bucks
> County, Pennsylvania seeks college level entomology student to assist in
> the establishment of extensive butterfly gardens and a butterfly
> breeding program on 175 acre property.  
> This unique opportunity will allow the successful applicant to gain
> practical experience in their chosen field and/or complete required
> course/field work.  Responsibilities include hands-on involvement with
> planting of butterfly gardens, as well as rearing and food collection
> for several species of butterflies and moths.  (Technical support and
> assistance will be available through consultation with a nationally
> renowned butterfly specialist.)
> Qualified applicants need to have the acquired practical experience in
> entomology to successfully establish an ongoing butterfly breeding
> program.   Horticulture experience is also helpful.  Must possess and
> maintain a valid driver's license and have reliable transportation.  
> This full-time summer position is available immediately or to adjust to
> your schedule.  Salary negotiable.
> Please contact me privately
> Rick Mikula
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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