[moth-rah] why I prefer moths from Steve Johnson

James Taylor drivingiron at worldnet.att.net
Thu Nov 13 08:05:32 EST 2003

I had ants get to my pinning boards once; I sprayed the balsa lightly with Raid, and they have not been back. Once the boards dried a little, there was no apparent effect on the wings.

Jim Taylor
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Stanley A. Gorodenski 
  To: Dr. James Adams 
  Cc: TILS-leps-talk at yahoogroups.com ; TILS-moth-rah at yahoogroups.com ; leps-l at lists.yale.edu 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 11:37 AM
  Subject: Re: [moth-rah] why I prefer moths from Steve Johnson

  I had a similar problem once. I think it was a cricket or crickets that 
  did it. They are really vicious animals, at least in Arizona. Now I put 
  my boards either in the oven or in a plastic bag.

  Dr. James Adams wrote:

  >this far north.  The only drawback was that when I went to take the 
  >specimen off the boards . . . AAAHH, something had *eaten* most of it. It 
  >was the only moth on the board that was touched (isn't this one of the 
  >axiom's of Murphy's Law?). I don't think it was a mouse -- there are no 
  >other indications that it was something that large and I believe it would 
  >have eaten a number of other things on the board. My guess is something 
  >like a house centipede (Scutigiera sp.). There was a head and just enough 
  >thorax left to glue back to the pin and give me something to glue the wings 
  >to. Yeah, all four wings came through in reasonably decent shape. Oh well, 
  >at least I still have an *identifiable* specimen -- as I mentioned above, 
  >it is my only one from Georgia.

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