fall flights

Chip Taylor chip at ku.edu
Mon Oct 6 11:21:33 EDT 2003

The following species appear to have southwardly directed flights in 
the midwest each Sept-Oct. : Pheobis sennae with a mean vector of 130 
degrees in Lawrence KS, Colias eurytheme with a vector of 
approximately 220 degrees - about the same as that of the monarch, 
Danaus plexippus,  in this area, Vanessa cardui vector - somewhat SW 
but not defined, Junonia coenia/Precis lavinia (buckeye), undefined 
vector, Other possible return flyers are Vanessa atalanta, Battus 
philenor, and Euptoieta claudia. The first two of these last three 
have been observed to have strong directional fall flights in some 

The P.L.'s have been common in eastern KS since the first week of 
Sept and are still here or moving through in good numbers. No 
significant local reproduction has been detected by P.L.s in this 
area and they seem to have come from the north. In the late 70's I 
observed a massive southward flight by P.L.s in September that 
exceeded anything I have ever seen with monarchs.
Monarch Watch
e:  monarch at ku.edu
w: http://www.MonarchWatch.org/
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