Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Mon Oct 6 21:04:29 EDT 2003

Congratulations to John Calhoun on a fabulous job of researching and
tracking down the original Abbot painting of M. ismeria.   He found it at
the U. of South Carolina no less-  about 90 miles from my home!!!!    How
ironic is that :-)

I was relieved to see that the original of ismeria is virtually the same as
the B&L reproduction.   As wonderful a job as the finding of the painting
was, my position on ismeria not only remains the same but I am more
convinced than ever.  His find has no effect on my bottom line.  This is
why I largely ignored the historical debate - everyone has their opinon and
it still proves nothing.  I emphasized other factors and facts - elements
that are as strong as ever.

More later, John ;-)



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