[leps-talk] Re: Brower replies- The most recent ranting about monarch butterfly conservation

Carolyn King cking at yorku.ca
Fri Oct 10 14:53:48 EDT 2003


For someone who has written 10 books, which, by the way, does not prove 
anything about intelligence or education, I am surprised that you don't 
have a better understanding of the language. To say that a statement was 
for someone's educational benefit is merely to indicate that you are 
proffering that statement to add to that person's knowledge. Surely none 
of us can claim to be above learning something new?

Please do not subject us to postings that are no more than 
unsubstantiated insults. That should be done privately, or better yet, 
not at all.

Carolyn King

Charles Bordelon wrote:

>Thanks CRS.  For the benefit of Mr. Gorodenski, who just trashed my
>education and dead father, I'd like him to know that after yesterday's
>rantings, I have had several orders for the 10 books I have written this
>morning.  How many books have you written, Dense-ski?  cb
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <parides at uschoice.net>
>To: <drivingiron at worldnet.att.net>; <neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk>;
><tils-leps-talk at yahoogroups.com>; "Charles Bordelon"
><legitintellexit at earthlink.net>
>Cc: <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>; <brower at sbc.edu>
>Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 11:41 AM
>Subject: Re: Re: [leps-talk] Re: Brower replies- The most recent ranting
>about monarch butterfly conservation
>>Hey, my Savior was a carpenter.  cb
>>  ----- Original Message -----
>>  The Big C. has hit the nail on the head.
>>  Jim Taylor
>I agree completely.  This would be like one of us getting on a birder
>listserv and raving about Grackles.
>Charlie Sassine
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