Fwd: Re: Size of the overwintering monarch populations - published data.
Chip Taylor
chip at ku.edu
Mon Oct 13 07:56:07 EDT 2003
>Stan, et. al.: I'm glad you raised a question. I looked at the data
>again and realized there is a typo. The population size in hectares
>for 2000/2001 should be 2.83 and not 12.83.
>The largest population known was in 96 - almost 21 hectares and the
>smallest 2.83. As insect populations go, this is a relatively small
>difference being only a 7.4 ratio of high to low. Presumably, the
>variation in population size is somewhat buffered by the continental
>nature of the population. Which is another way of saying that it
>unlikely to be universally bad or good for breeding over the entire
>The mean appears to be roughly 9.6 hectares but this mean is
>strongly influenced by the one big year. Frankly, I don't see any
>trends in the data. The series is too short but the 2.83 was
>alarmingly low. However, the monarchs' capacity to recover from such
>low numbers was demonstrated each of the last two winters. So far,
>we haven't seen a bad winter followed by poor breeding conditions
>over a wide area. Should this happen, recovery would certainly be
>The size of the wintering population may be related to the amount of
>winter and spring rain in Texas, droughts in the breeding areas in
>the north, and droughts during the fall migration. One cannot
>predict one wintering population from another with accuracy. Natural
>rather than anthropogenic factors appear to govern the population
>for the moment but there are anthropogenic factors at work and the
>question/argument is when, where and to what extent they will have
>an impact on the population. It's not a matter of if but of when and
>how much. A lot of time has been wasted arguing about the eastern
>monarch population when, in fact, we know very little about it.
>>What I was getting at is that if the counts at the beginning of the
>>series were the results of undercounts (and it seems so from what
>>you said), then the drop as shown in recent numbers may be
>>something to be even more concerned about because the claim can be
>>less easily made that it is a natural fluctuation - the first part
>>of the series reflect undercounts and so one cannot claim it is a
>>natural drop. In light of this, is ths drop in the recent part of
>>the series something to be more concerned about?
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