FW: Santa Ana Awesome 10/13/03

Mike Quinn Mike.Quinn at tpwd.state.tx.us
Wed Oct 15 06:22:00 EDT 2003

FWD from the TX-Butterfly listserv. Mike Quinn

-----Original Message-----
From: David J Hanson
Sent: 10/13/2003 8:33 PM
Subject: Santa Ana Awesome 10/13/03

Today I joined with Janet Rathgen, Derek Muschalek, Ro Wauer, Bob
Behrstock, and Charles Jones for a day's butterflying at Santa Ana.
This has got to be the hottest butterfly site in the Valley right now.  In
total the group logged 87 species.  Here are some highlights:
1.   While watching our 2nd Two-barred Flasher, a Malachite flew in
followed within minutes by a brilliant fresh Red Rim.
2.   A fresh Glazed Pellicia "puddled" along with over 60 White-patched
Skippers and a dozen or so Sickle-winged Skippers.
3.   A brilliant fresh female Orange-barred Sulphur made photos easy in
the garden by the old residence.
4.   5 Mexican Fritillaries were scattered throughout the refuge for our
viewing pleasure.
5.   All of the usual Longtails were present including White-striped and
6.   Derek and Ro found a Great Purple Hairstreak and a Boisduval's
Yellow in the late afternoon.
7.   Bob Behrstock found a tattered but good Mexican Silverspot.
8.   At least 7 Silver-banded Hairstreaks were present at Pintail Lake.
9.   2 Hecebolus Skippers were seen on the Asters at Pintail Lake.
10. 19 spread-winged Skipper species were logged including Potrillo,
Brown-banded, Texas Powdered, Mazans Scallopwing, Two-barred Flasher,
Desert Checkered, and  Turk's Cap White.
11.  A common Mellana was seen by 4 of us at Pintail Lake.
12.  Grass Skippers included Fawn-spotted, Olive Clouded, and Julia's.
13.  Both Zebra and Julia Longwings were flitting about in the garden by
the old residence.
14.  And Finally, several Mexican Bluewings fluttered by to make the day
Those of us with cameras were able to get many good shots and the
camaraderie made up for the ones that got away.
Happy Butterflying,
Dave Hanson

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