forward:cheap Monarch pupae

Lili Pintea-Reed pinteareed at
Wed Sep 10 22:02:04 EDT 2003

From: "Lake's" <lakes at>
Subject: E. Monarch pupae @ 2.50 each

Hello everyone,

We will have a huge overstock of about 10,000 pupae that must be sold within
the next 2-3 weeks, so if anyone is interested in them, or may have a
creative idea on how we might market them, PLEASE let us know. Any ideas
will be greatly appreciated!

The minimum quantity for this $2.50 offer is 100 pupae, under 100 the price
is $2.70 each. Price does not include shipping. No reasonable offer refused
on quantities of 3,000+ pupae, especially if there for 9-11 events.

We have not found any Oe in our emerged stock, but there is no guarantee. We
are only shipping FedEx Priority Overnight due to the heat in most

Also, please check with us if you need any Monarch adults, 'cause we're
emerging them everyday, the price is $4.00 each.

Cheryl Lake
Lake's Unlimited, Inc.
monarchs at
651-330-2227 (direct line)

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