[leps-talk] possible spam source clue

Grkovich, Alex agrkovich at tmpeng.com
Tue Sep 23 12:35:25 EDT 2003


I received an e-mail this morning that was very similar to (if not the same
one) yours, warning me of a virus that had "...just been sent..." to me...


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Woody Woods [SMTP:woody.woods at umb.edu]
> Sent:	Tuesday, September 23, 2003 12:06 PM
> To:	TILS-leps-talk at yahoogroups.com; leps-l at lists.yale.edu;
> TILS-moth-rah at yahoogroups.com
> Subject:	[leps-talk] possible spam source clue
> I ran this by Ron before sending to the leps lists. Please excuse the
> cross-posting, but I thought it should go to all.
> I received two emails that appear at best legitimate and at worst
> harmless;
> they list the other recipients of virus/worm-bearing emails I have
> received.
> Maybe you got 'em too, but I'm writing in case you didn't.
> I suggest that you look at the email addresses and see whether ALL of them
> in either message are in your address book. If so, possibly your computer
> has been infected. So far, mine (a Mac, helpfully) has been clean.
> Rather than risk forwarding the messages to you all, just in case, I have
> simply copied the text content, including the recipients' addresses
> (including mine!) below.
> By the way, I have removed the list email addresses from my address book--
> heck, if I don't know them by now I never will...
> Woody
> First message:
> Attention: woody.woods at umb.edu
> [A message has been sent to the originator, stating there is a virus
> in the Email they just sent to you. No further action is required on
> your part.]
> A virus was found in an Email message sent to you.
> This Email scanner intercepted it and stopped the entire message
> before it reached you. No further action is required on your part.
> The virus was reported to be:
> virus WORM_SWEN.A
> Please contact your I.T support personnel with any queries regarding this
> policy.
> The message sent to you had the following envelope:
> MAIL FROM: manager at taiwan-peggycompany.com
> RCPT TO:   
> ctaylor at worldnet.att.net,kline_at_pine at yahoo.com,jbizarro at uol.com.br,kennk
> @i
> x.netcom.com,pinteareed at madbbs.com,aa6g at aa6g.org,patfoley at csus.edu,cwgan at p
> ac
> ific.net.sg,woody.woods at umb.edu,marven at shaw.ca,rob at whiterabbits.com
> ... and with the following headers:
> ---
> MAILFROM: manager at taiwan-peggycompany.com
> Received: from unknown (HELO kkwa) ([]) (envelope-sender
> <manager at taiwan-peggycompany.com>)
>          by msa.url.com.tw (qmail-ldap-1.03) with SMTP
>          for <ctaylor at worldnet.att.net>; 23 Sep 2003 10:38:44 -0000
> FROM: "Public Assistance" <kpnsdtbvuw at support.net>
> TO: "Microsoft Customer" <sctsnyv at support.net>
> SUBJECT: Internet Patch
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="ukhrdqrvtasuje"
> --and here's the second message:
> Attention: woody.woods at umb.edu
> [A message has been sent to the originator, stating there is a virus
> in the Email they just sent to you. No further action is required on
> your part.]
> A virus was found in an Email message sent to you.
> This Email scanner intercepted it and stopped the entire message
> before it reached you. No further action is required on your part.
> The virus was reported to be:
> virus WORM_SWEN.A
> Please contact your I.T support personnel with any queries regarding this
> policy.
> The message sent to you had the following envelope:
> MAIL FROM: manager at taiwan-peggycompany.com
> RCPT TO:   
> rob at whiterabbits.com,marven at shaw.ca,woody.woods at umb.edu,cwgan at pacific.net.
> sg
> ,patfoley at csus.edu,aa6g at aa6g.org,pinteareed at madbbs.com,kennk at ix.netcom.com
> ,j
> bizarro at uol.com.br,kline_at_pine at yahoo.com,ctaylor at worldnet.att.net,michae
> l_
> ann at mindspring.com,mikayak3 at comcast.net,cmtp592 at concentric.net,viceroy at gat
> e.
> net,neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk,jjjjjjjjen at aol.com,ax057 at chebucto.ns.ca,fnkwp
> @a
> urora.alaska.edu,ewilliam at hamilton.edu,rworth at oda.state.or.us,gochfeld at eoh
> si
> .rutgers.edu,birdcr at concentric.net,drdn at mail.utexas.edu,mwalker at gensym.com
> ,m
> ike.quinn at tpwd.state.tx.us,stan_gorodenski at asualumni.org,jbwalsh at u.arizona
> .e
> du,gomesg at bmts.com,glaucus at earthlink.net,sebrez at webtv.net,fnjjk1 at uaf.edu,a
> dm
> in at dildodildo.ca,murp194 at bellsouth.net,xwmonarch at hotmail.com,gatrelle at tils
> -t
> tr.org,xiwang at sprint.ca,neck at bigfoot.com,melpchar at aol.com,jhimmel at comcast.
> ne
> t,r_seaman at hotmail.com,wtherman at cornhusker.net,lynnscott at heiconsulting.com
> ,a
> ustinjosa at usa.net,manager at asia-insect-shop.com,crespifranco1 at tin.it,mallyb
> ro
> ok at yahoo.co.uk,mplant at pcpros.net,hbrodkin at earthlink.net,mhg3 at cornell.edu,m
> on
> arch at saber.net,jshuey at tnc.org,mexicodoug at aol.com,dtbwlg at optonline.net,fhnv
> jl
> @optonline.net,obfcrk at h555.net
> ... and with the following headers:
> ---
> MAILFROM: manager at taiwan-peggycompany.com
> Received: from unknown (HELO gtdfd) ([]) (envelope-sender
> <manager at taiwan-peggycompany.com>)
>          by msa.url.com.tw (qmail-ldap-1.03) with SMTP
>          for <rob at whiterabbits.com>; 23 Sep 2003 10:39:03 -0000
> FROM: "internet mail storage service" <mailerroutine at puremail.com>
> TO: "Net User" <user at mxserver.com>
> SUBJECT: Advice
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>    boundary="vwzagyipstlx"
> ---
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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