Michigan Ent. Soc. 50th Annual Meeting

Robert Kriegel kriegelr at msu.edu
Wed Apr 28 10:23:59 EDT 2004

Hello all,

The Michigan Entomological Society (MES) will be holding its 50th annual 
meeting at Higgins Lake near Grayling, MI from Friday evening June 4 to 
Sunday morning June 6, 2004.  Our invited speakers will be Drs. Julian 
Donahue, Edward Voss, Richard Merritt, Gordon Guyer, Ronald Hodges and Eric 
Quinter.  Complete details about the meeting and registration forms are 
available on-line at the MES website:

This message is being posted to both the ENTOMOL and LEPS-L lists.

Thank you,
Bob Kriegel
president-elect, MES


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