Exotic Moths
Eric or Pat Metzler
spruance at infinet.com
Thu Feb 19 19:52:04 EST 2004
Here are three more
Limacodidae Cnidocampa flavescens
Noctuidae: Apamea ophiogramma and Rhizedra lutosa
Hugh McGuinness wrote:
>Hello Lepidophiles,
>I am trying to put together a list of exotic moths that occur in eastern
>North America. Does such a list already exist?
>Here are the 10 species I could think of quickly, but I am sure many more
>Cossidae: Zeuzera pyrina
>Tortricidae: Cydia pomonella
>Pyralidae: Ostrinia nubilalis
>Geometridae: Idaea dimidiata
>Saturniidae: Samia cynthia
>Lymantriidae: Lymantria dispar, Euproctis chrysorrhea
>Noctuidae: Noctua pronuba, Anomis commoda, Parascotia fuliginaria
>If such a list does not already exist, I'd appreciate it if list members
>replied to me with exotic moths that have established population in
>eastern North America. I'd be happy to share the results with list members
>if sufficient interest exists.
>Hugh McGuinness
>The Ross School
>18 Goodfriend Park
>East Hampton, NY 11937
>hmcguinness at ross.org
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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