FW: [ECOLOG-L] NH job - Karner blue butterfly, seasonal

Kathy Wildman kattwild at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 26 14:51:48 EST 2004

Found this on an ecology list and thought it maight be of interest here.

                       Kathy Wildman

butterfly  t-shirts   
butterfly  neckties   
The pages are divided into taxonomic/geographic units to load faster so you 
may need to click past a few pages to get to your specialty or favorite 
Children's nature books: http://bringmeabook.homestead.com/bookindex.html
Please bookmark these sites and share them with your colleagues. Please let 
me know if you have any navigation problems or can suggest improvements. 
Site may not work with all browsers or Mac so ask for a set of URL's for 
direct access.
Sales support K-12 curriculum development using school gardens as a hands-on 
education site.

Laborer $8.73/hour

Karner blue butterfly

The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department has one short-term,
full time position available to assist with the Karner blue
butterfly restoration and recovery project in Concord.  This
position will start May 14 and run to September 17.

Primary responsibilities will include captive rearing all life
stages of Karner blue butterflies in a lab-type setting and
monitoring released Karner blues, in addition to Pine barrens
restoration and habitat management involving planting and seed

This position requires good observation, organization, and
communication skills, and ability to work independently and
with others.  Pine Barrens plant and butterfly identification
skills a plus.  Must be willing to withstand greenhouse-like
temperatures for extended periods of time, and some physical
labor.  Housing is not provided.  Weekend work will be required.

To apply, submit letter of interest, resume, three phone references
and State of NH Application for employment by April 12, 2004 To:
John Kanter, Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program Coordinator
NH Fish and Game Dept., 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301
Or by email to
Linda Verville at lverville at wildlife.state.nh.us

State applications can be downloaded at http://nh.gov/hr/employment.html

Interviews for qualified candidates will be held the week of April 19 2004.

Equal Opportunity Employer

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