Google Scholar

warrena at warrena at
Tue Nov 30 10:22:02 EST 2004

Hi All,

If you are not familar with "Google Scholar" check it out (search the names of
some of your favorite taxa or researchers):

This has huge potential.  I think our society would want abstracts of our
publications available to Google Scholar.  Any recommendations on how this
could be done, or who among us should contact the google folks?

I did a search of "Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society," and only 27 matches
were found.  In contrast, (since they are online), the "Journal of Research on
the Lepidoptera" gave 298 results.

Let's get in there!

PS- sorry if you got more than 1 copy of this message; I tried sending it
earlier but it did not go through.


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