Glitch on butterfly names list

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Tue Oct 12 20:00:34 EDT 2004

This is to inform everyone that a few days ago I discovered a major glitch
on our TILS web site's names section.   Here is the link to the section  I noted that if one has their "View"
function of their browser set for medium text size or above that the menu
list options disappears.   I have brought this to our web-masters attention
just last night but he is going to be away on business for several days and
won't be able to get to this till next week.

I have occasionally heard reports of people not being able to access these
lists - I suspect this is what the problem was. If you go to the above link
and don't see this...

This is to inform everyone that a few days ago I discovered a major glitch
on our TILS web site's names section.   Here is the link to the section  I noted that if one has their "View"
function of their browser set for medium text size or above that the menu
list options disappears.   I have brought this to our web-masters attention
just last night but he is going to be away on business for several days and
won't be able to get to this till next week.

I have occasionally heard reports of people not being able to access these
lists - I suspect this is what the problem was. If you go to the above link
and don't see this...

 Standardized Common - North American Butterfly Namesã
      Swallowtails Whites Coppers Blues Nymphs 1 Satyrs Skippers 1 Comments
      Parnassians Sulphurs Hairstreaks Metalmarks Nymphs 2 Danaids Skippers

...then you need to go your "View" function and set it to a smaller text
size until you can see the screen as above.  You can then access the various
names sections.   If anyone is having any other problems with our site
please let me know, or just send a message via the mail box on the home
page.  (To get to the TILS home page from the above link, just click on the
main logo at the top of the page.


Ron Gatrelle
...then you need to go your "View" function and set it to a smaller text
size until you can see the screen as above.  You can then access the various
names sections.   If anyone is having any other problems with our site
please let me know, or just send a message via the mail box on the home
page.  (To get to the TILS home page from the above link, just click on the
main logo at the top of the page.


Ron Gatrelle
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