[leps-talk] Re: Erynnis maritalis in Florida - old news

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Thu Oct 14 15:44:36 EDT 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Nick Grishin
Subject: Re: [leps-talk] Re: Erynnis maritalis in Florida - old news

My note was very general with no particilar implications or accusations,
I surely did not mean to hurt anyone, sorry I sent it, n

Don't be concerned about it.  We often get too involved with words
especially in list-serves, news groups etc.  It's just too easy to type and
hit send.   Sometimes it's more like thinking out loud - esp. for those who
are natural talkers.  Also, meaning or intent is frequently misconstued.
For the sake of finality, here is my personal message to John.

    You realize of course that the only reason I posted this to leps-l is
because you are not subscribed to leps-talk.  If I had just wanted to bash
you or some such thing I would have posted this "to my own group".  I was
trying to not do this behind your back.  I am willing to admit I should have
paid more attention to your [1997] ATL check list on Fl leps and noticed you
martialis as unconfirmed.   Had I, I would have notified you immediately.
In fact last night I looked it over and see no more specimens I might have
of questioned species.   Well, I take that back.  I didn't look a the
omitted species.   You should be willing to admit you ...

I omit my suggestion to him as some might misconstrue it as a dig and not a
pragmatic suggestion.

Cheers to all
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