Feuds, etc.

Dr. James Adams jadams at em.daltonstate.edu
Wed Oct 20 11:22:40 EDT 2004

Ron, et al,

         I've been out of town until today, so do not think that I was 
ignoring everyone on purpose (though that might be the best response at the 
moment, just to let things cool down and die a turbulent death).

         First, let me start by saying I do apologize for some of the tone 
of my last message -- yes, I was participating in precisely what I was 
complaining about.  Apparently I *really* offended Mexico Doug with my 
message.   We all know that other things going on during the day may 
influence our approach inappropriately to other circumstances.  We all 
certainly get tired from time to time.

         Ron, I certainly apologize for the "impudent" remark.  Uncalled 
for, inappropriate, and just completely inaccurate in relation to your 
first message.  I also apologize for any misreading of Ron's 
messages.  However . . .

Ron wrote:
>  . . . Thus, lepidoptery suffers from false published data.

This *was* your original intent -- to "fix" the Calhoun report of the 
"first" record of E. martialis.  Ken Davenport recently suggested that you 
"fix" this by writing *another* report in the Lep Soc News, which sounds 
like a *great* idea to me.

         But your messages do tend to get combative, which is 
unnecessary.  And there was certainly no need to post the personal messages 
that you found offensive from John.  You can fix a problem without making 
personal feuds public.  I know you and John butt heads on a regular basis, 
and I know you irk each other, and for that I'm sorry . . . but I don't 
need to read about you irking each other.  I *very much* appreciate knowing 
about your Floridian E. martialis records, but I *did* stop reading your 
messages carefully *when* you interjected the personal feud stuff in 
it.  This *also* makes lepidoptery suffer, when people stop reading because 
the personal feud stuff is detrimental to the message trying to be conveyed.

         Ron, I so much appreciate your enthusiasm.  I truly love our 
personal conversations, and am glad I don't have any personal feuds going 
with you!  I lament the fact that we've never been in the field together, 
even though we live in neighboring states.

         I also appreciate my interactions with John, and am glad I don't 
have any personal feuds going with him either.

         Just remember that give and take is part of the study of 
Lepidoptera.  Some may not do this as well as others.  But it helps no one 
when *personal* battles are made public.  I think many of us simply turn 
off as to the content of the messages when that happens.  I know I do.

         Again, I apologize for the tone of my response!!  I guess my 
passion is showing through as well.


James K. Adams
jadams at em.daltonstate.edu
Phone: (706)272-4427
FAX:  (706)272-2235
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