Bailey and Bjorklund cmbb at sasktel.net
Fri Sep 3 16:17:56 EDT 2004

> Ladies & Gents
> Although I am not 100% convinced myself of the validity of this survey,
> aim of the current project is to provide an initial basline count to begin
> generating a series of insect abundance indices, rather like the annual
> index of abundance of the UK butterfly species produced each year by the
> NGO Butterfly Conservation.

.  For more info, though perhaps not qite as much as some
> would want, see http://www.rspb.org.uk/bugcount/index.asp.

Thanks for giving us the link to this potentially fascinating study.

Sure there is going to be an overrepresentation of bugs that thrive on the
tame vegetation that surrounds moterways, but that pales in comparison to
the low expected error term generated by so many observations.

A lot better than the highly individualized (and self-righteous elitism) of
the lone S.U.V. researcher of N.A.  It is pity that there is so few
community based research efforts on this side of the puddle.

( in an extended cab Chev 1500 Silverado with 4X4)


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