Parasites and Monarchs

Neil Jones neil at
Thu Apr 7 12:28:10 EDT 2005

On Friday 08 April 2005 04:22, Stanley A. Gorodenski wrote:
> Ron Gatrelle wrote:

> Yes, someone did bring it up - You. But you are correct. Because humans
> are part of nature and "are just as natural as any other organism", as
> you say, I have been wondering, probably you also, why hasn't the Bush
> administration investigated the Grizzlies of the YellowStone Natural
> Park area for possession of nuclear weapons?  :-)
> Stan

They can't!. There is a constitutional right to arm bears. :-)

Seriously though Stan I am sure that you're right and that the paper is 
properly written. If someone of Patrick's emminence and ability in his field 
says so I'm pretty sure its OK.
Neil Jones- Neil at


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