2005 Membership Committee Report

Gary Anweiler Edmonton Alberta Canada gganweiler at sprint.ca
Tue Aug 9 03:14:19 EDT 2005

Hello to you all

At the Executive Meeting in Sierra Vista I tabled the 2005 Membership Committee Report - which is perhaps more accurately called a discussion paper or perhaps an "opus perusus" .  It was a bit lengthy to read at the time and as no ready means for duplication were available to me, I promised to send it to you electronically once I returned home.  

At the time the committee prepared this report most of the discussions heard was via the TILS listserver or more directly from John Masters. It appears in retrospect that we may have allowed this limited and energetic unduly influence our perceptions somewhat, and I will try and correct this in the revised version we will be submitting next year. In particular, I would downgrade the need to "reinvent" the Society to the more benign "renovate".

Please look this over and send me any feedback you have, as well as any suggestions and information you might have that would be useful for the updated report.

Thanks for all.  It was great to see you all again in AZ, and I look forward to getting together again in Florida next year.

Gary Anweiler, Chair, Membership Committee

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