Dynamine postverta - New US Record @ NABA PK, So. TX - Dec. 3, 2005

Mike Quinn ento at austin.rr.com
Sun Dec 4 10:39:23 EST 2005

Terry Fuller of San Benito, TX found the following new U.S. record:

Four-spotted Sailor (Dynamine postverta)

Discussion (based on Opler & Warren, 2003) of previous "records":

Four new US records were found by this time last fall:

Mike Quinn, Austin

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Fuller
Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2005 7:07 PM
Subject: Four-eyed Sailor Dynamine postverta NABA Garden 12-03-2005
Hidalgo Co.

12 03 2005 3:30 PM
Dynamine postverta
Four-eyed Sailor
Hidalgo County
NABA Butterfly Garden
South Texas

Winds gentle to 5 mph out of the S through out day.   Sunny.

Spotted a Sailor which appeared different than the Blue-eyed Sailor
Dynamine dyonis in an Olive Tree Cordia boissieri at the NABA garden  today.
Many observers including Dave Hansen and others.  Three of us  got photos.
I will forward mine to Mike Quinn.

Notable features included slightly more robust flight, larger size,
indistinct hindwing submarginal white band distal to the large eye spots on
the under hind wing, the pattern of the under forewing spots, and of course
the upper surface color (though this varied with the light angle) and the
four spots on the forewing upper surface with distinct veining on fore and
hindwing upper surfaces.  Flew among the Olive trees at about 5 to 8  feet.
It was just inside the entrance arch. While present, it was very active,
sitting only briefly, flying between the three Olives, and  then departing.
Sat on the leaves,
once on a branch, and once on a fruit cluster but did not go to flowers.

Terry Fuller
_TNMF at aol.com_ (mailto:TNMF at aol.com)
San Benito Texas


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